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25 February 2021

SCIROCCO Exchange Consortium Knowledge Transfer in Puglia

Knowledge exchange meeting with the 6 Puglia Local Health Authorities

The third knowledge transfer activity under the SCIROCCO Exchange Knowledge Transfer Program involved the Italian stakeholders of Puglia, where the Puglia Agency for Health and Social Care (AReSS) reached out to the 6 Local Health Authorities actively participating in the maturity assessment of their integrated care level, using the SCIROCCO Exchange online tool in 2020.

The knowledge exchange meeting gave the opportunity for the AReSS team to discuss the results of the “Self-assessment process in Puglia Region”, presented by the AReSS Puglia SE Project Manager Serena Mingolla, who also shared the data from the “Readiness of European Regions for integrated care” analysis, conducted by 9 SCIROCCO Exchange partners.

Several initiatives of the Knowledge Transfer Program were introduced by Birgit Sandu, for SCIROCCO Exchange’s Partner AER, while Cristina Alexandru from the University of Edinburgh presented the Knowledge Transfer HUB as an effective new instrument to share assets and resources on integrated care in Europe. In addition, a CME-certified workshop presented by Professor Raffaele Lagravinese of the University of Bari was introduced as part of the Knowledge Transfer Program in Puglia.

The workshop was attended by multidisciplinary stakeholders, such as top-level managers, patients, and citizen representatives, as well as representatives from each profession of integrated care chain.

Dr. Elisabetta Graps, Research and Evaluation Area Director at AReSS Puglia was the host and facilitator of this knowledge exchange meeting.

As Dr. Graps rightly says, “The Knowledge Transfer Program and the HUB implemented by SCIROCCO Exchange Project continue to present a great opportunity to work as a team and thus overcome the barriers still standing in the implementation of integrated care in Puglia. The main importance of these activities lies in increasing stakeholders’ involvement and engagement in order to reflect and act upon different perspectives and knowledge about integrated care in a systematic way".

A recording of this webinar is available to view here.

31 May 2022

Capacity-building for integrated care: SCIROCCO Exchange Final Conference

31 May 2022

The Knowledge Transfer Toolkit is out!

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SCIROCCO Exchange Conference 5th May 2022 - Capacity-building for integrated care: from the maturity assessment to improvement planning

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Exploring the synergies – SCIROCCO Exchange & ADLIFE projects

29 October 2021

SCIROCCO Exchange Mid-term Workshop - Expansion of SCIROCCO Exchange Tool for Integrated Care

EU Co-Funded
SCIROCCO Exchange project © 2024 All Rights Reserved.
The project SCIROCCO Exchange is co-funded by the Health Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement 826676 (Chafea)
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